this cute art studio named paintlounge opened up close to my workplace a couple months ago.
intrigued (read: nosey), i went in one afternoon to get more information.
as i'm always looking for something new to do, i convinced my sister (jennifer) and our friends (alicia and racquel) to spend an afternoon being artistes.
though many structured workshops are offered, we opted to go in for a freestyle session.
essentially, you are given 3 hours, a canvas and access to acrylic pants and supplies and sent on your way to paint whatever your heart desires.
as i'm obsessed with my wittle nephew, i opted to paint a little homage to my boy...
i had an amazing time and definitely see myself going back.
apparently little studios like this are popping up all over the place.
if there happens to be one close to wherever it is you live, goooooooooooo!
get yo' picasso on!
I'm sure you girls had a lovely day! Last year, the same thing happened to me and me and my sister went to the new art studio that just had opened in town and spent an amazing afternoon in there :)